Ship Repairs afloat and using dry docking facility, Safe Lay-up and New Construction Work
- Afloat ship repairs work is carried out in large scale at this terminal regularly. This includes Machinery overhaul, Electrical work, Hull Fabrication, Pipe line repairs etc.
- Parking space is provided to vessels on mooring buoys for safe lay-up in sheltered water of Jaigad creek.
- Company has constructed one steel Floating Dry Dock under certification of Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) (Yard No. MSPL – 001 of IRS record) for M/s Katale Shipyard Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai
The principal design particulars are as below:
Length overall : 80.00 mtr
Breadth (Mld) : 24.00 mtr
Breadth between side walls : 20.00 mtr
Depth of pontoon : 02.00 mtr
Depth including side wall : 09.20 mtr
Lifting capacity : 1800 ton
Max. draft of vessel to be docked : 05.00 mtr
- After trial, tests and registration formalities; team Marine Syndicate has put this Floating Dry Dock in operation and carried out commercial operations successfully for the period of three years.
- Marine Syndicate now plans to construct similar steel Floating Dry Dock for its own use.
- New construction work of marine crafts and ship building activities are under-taken at this Dockyard. Major re-build and also alteration and conversion work of various vessels are carried out at this terminal.