Welcome to Marine Syndicate
Name of the Company is M/s Marine Syndicate Pvt. Ltd.; a Company duly incorporated under Company Act, having its registered office at United Premises, Bhatye, Ratnagiri 415612 and administrative office at Neelashree, Thiba Palace Road, Ratnagiri 415612. Whereas, the project site is at village Katale (Jaigad creek) Tal : Guhagar, Dist : Ratnagiri (Maharashtra).
This company is promoted, operated and managed by all local technicians, engineers and professionals who are native residents of Ratnagiri and nearby Konkan region.

Project Details
Marine Syndicate Pvt. Ltd. has planned two separate projects at Katale site in Jaigad creek.
A. Multipurpose Terminal:
i. Cargo shipments : bulk, bagged and liquid cargo.
ii. Ship repair work afloat and using dry docking facility.
B. Ship Breaking Facility: for small ships upto 150 mtr length and 5 mtr draft.
“United Dockyard” is the trade name of this terminal covering above two projects together.