There is no ship breaking facility available on west coast of Konkan region anywhere else. Marine Syndicate Pvt. Ltd. has provided approved Ship Breaking Facility at Katale terminal in Jaigad creek.
Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) has granted approval for this ship breaking facility.
CRZ and Environment Clearance has been granted by MoEF & CC, New Delhi (Govt. of India) by Order dt. 10.11.2020 for Ship Breaking Facility.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has granted permission for this ship breaking facility vide Consent to Operate dt. 25.05.2022.
In addition to the water frontage of 3500 sq. mtr leased for multipurpose terminal; the separate 5000 adjoining water frontage is considered for ship breaking facility.
Ship breaking facility for the ships upto 150 mtr length and 5 mtr draft is provided at this terminal as per the approval granted.