Location of Site
Project site is on north bank of Jaigad creek in Ratnagiri district mid way between Mumbai and Goa on Konkan coast. The site is at 48 km from Ratnagiri on coastal high way and 55 km from Chiplun city. It is at 42 km from Vahal Phata near Sawarde Railway station and 52 km from Nivali Phata both on Mumbai-Goa National high way No. 66. Project site is connected to Tavasal – Abloli – Sawarde state high way No. 105 by private approach road 2.5 km long made by Company.
The exact location of this Dockyard site has latitude and longitude 170-17.40’N and 0730-16.6’E respectively.
Navigational Details
This site falls in inland water-ways of Jaigad creek and within port limits of Jaigad Port. It has natural protection of mountains giving safe shelter from south west monsoon and north westerly winds.
This Dockyard site is 3 nautical miles up-stream from Jaigad harbour and 4 nautical miles up-stream from sea mouth in Jaigad creek.
The existing river channel has 7 mtr water depth from Jaigad harbour upto this Dockyard even during low tides. There are no mangroves at this site. This terminal has open bay of 600 mtr dia. large turning circle for free maneuvering of vessels when arriving at this terminal. Mooring buoys and shore bollards are placed suitably.
Jaigad Port is 100 nautical miles south of Mumbai and 125 nautical miles north of Goa.
Govt. Permissions & Approvals
- Multipurpose terminal is approved in 39th and 54th Board meeting of Maharashtra Maritime Board. (MMB)
- Proposal of Ship Breaking Facility is approved in 67th Board meeting of Maharashtra Maritime Board. (MMB)
- CRZ and Environment Clearance has been granted for expansion of Multipurpose Terminal by SEIAA (Govt. of Maharashtra) vide letter dt. 29.04.2020 for cargo shipments and ship repair work.
- CRZ and Environment Clearance has been granted by MoEF & CC, New Delhi (Govt. of India) vide Order dt. 10.11.2020 for combined activities of cargo shipments, ship repair work and ship breaking facility together.
- Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has granted Consent for Establishment vide letter dt. 19.01.2021 for combined activities of cargo shipments, ship repair work and ship breaking facility together.
- Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has granted to “Consent to Operate” vide letter dt. 25.05.2022 for combined activities of cargo shipments, ship repair work and ship breaking facility together.
- Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) has granted permission for combined activities of cargo shipments, ship repair work and ship breaking facility together vide letter dt. 28.02.2022.
1) Shore Land & Water Frontage :
There is 29030 sq. mtr (Approx. 7.25 Acres) fore-shore land owned by Company in use for this terminal.
Additional 37800 sq. (Approx. 9.45 Acres) back up land is made available at hill top for future developments.
Total 3500 sq. mtr water frontage of 100 mtr. length is planned for cargo shipments and ship repair work under multipurpose terminal.
Additional 5000 sq. mtr water frontage of 125 mtr. length is proposed for ship breaking facility.
2) Stockyards , Godowns & Tankage :
There are total two separate stockyards available for storage of total 60000 ton bulk Bauxite or laterite material within the close distance of 500 mtrs from jetty terminal. Enclosed sheds and godowns also can be constructed and provided for storage of other cargo commodities if required. Tankage also can be constructed for molasses and palm oil cargo.
3) Cargo Loading Ramp :
This multipurpose terminal has one cargo loading pier of RCC construction having piled jetty and overhead ramp for loading bulk cargo into barges and mini bulk carriers. The draft available at this loading pier is 4.0 mtr at low tide and 6.5 mtr at average high tide.
4) Approach Road :
Total 2.5 km long and 30 feet wide private approach road is made by Company connecting Abloli–Tavsal state high-way No. 105 upto the project site.
5) Jungle Jetty :
One Jungle Jetty (ferry boat landing ramp) of PCC construction of 30 mtr long x 10 mtr wide is available at site. This facilitates ferry boat for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, vehicles and heavy materials.
6) Slip-way :
One 100 mtr. long x 20 mtr. wide slip-way having slope 1 : 20 is constructed at this terminal for hauling the vessels on slip-way for repairs and ship breaking purpose.
7) Mooring Buoys & Shore Bollards :
Mooring Buoys & Shore Bollards are placed suitably for holding the vessels in safe and secured position at this terminal.
8) Ferry Boat and Service Boat :
Company has its own ferry boat namely ‘M. V. Konkan Kanya’ registered under I. V. Class with MMB. This vessel is 17.50 mtr long and 06.50 mtr wide having GRT 33 Ton, NRT 10 Ton & DWT 32 ton. This vessel is used for movement of manpower, vehicles and heavy materials.
Company also has one service motor boat namely ‘M. L. Bholenath‘ of 8.25 mtr. length for mooring purpose and passenger movements at port terminal.
9) Electrical Power :
Industrial electrical power supply of 25 HP 3 phase 415 volts and separate commercial power supply of 25 HP 3 phase 415 volts are available at project site from State Electricity Board (MSEDCL).
Additionally, Diesel Generator sets of 200 KVA power are kept ready at site for stand-by use.
10) Work Shop Facility :
In addition to welding and fabrication work facility available at Dockyard site, the Company has its own work shop equipped with all machinery at C–41 MIDC Mirjole Zone, Ratnagiri.
11) Vehicles & Mobile Crane :
Company has its own vehicles including cars, jeep, truck and mobile crane Escorts Hydra 14 for movement of men and materials.